Jalan K.S Tubun No. 10 Telp (0711) 351846 Palembang 30125
HARI/TANGGAL : Jumat / 09 Desember 2011
Pukul : 9.30 WIB – 11.00 WIB
- Tulislah terlebih dahulu nomor peserta, nama dan kelas anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
- Kerjakanlah terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
- Periksalah hasil pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas EBS.
- Apabila waktu habis, serahkan hasil pekerjaan anda kepada pengawas EBS.
- Untuk soal pilihan ganda: Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat.
- Untuk soal essay : Tulislah jawaban anda sesuai perintah soal.
Text 1
An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal with it’s thick legs, huge body, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long nose.
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up water by it’s trunk and can squirt it all over it’s body like a shower bath. It can also lifts leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. It’s intelligence combine with it’s great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such as to carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.
1. The text tells us about….
A. the Elephant’s peculiar feature
B. useful servant
C. strange looking animal
D. an elephant
E. elephant looks very clumsy.
2. The third paragraph is mainly about
the fact that ……..
A. elephants are strong
B. elephants must be trained
C. elephants are very advantageous
D. elephants are very useless
E. elephants can lift logs
3. The most distinguishing characteristic
of an elephant is
A.its clumsiness
B. its thick legs
C.its large body
D. its long nose
E. its large ears
4. The elephant draws up water by its
trunk and can squirt it all over its
body like a shower bath. (p.2)
The underlined word refers to….
A .a shower bath
B. elephant’s body
C. a shower
D. water
E. elephant’s trunk
5. The text above is in the form of…
A. Analytical Exposition
B. Narrative D. Descriptive
C. Recount E. Spoof
Text 2
A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well, it asked if the water was good. “Good,” said the fox, “It’s the best water I’ve tested in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.”
The goat was thirsty, so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then, I’ll climb on your back, from here. I’ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I’m out, I’ll help you out of the well.”
The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then, He coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and said,”If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn’t have jumped into the well.”
The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well. ||The goat got out and thanked the old man.
6. The text tells the story of ….
A. A fox
B. A goat
C. An old man and the fox
D. A fox and a goat
E. The goat and an old man
7. Paragraph 2 mainly tells….
A. Why the fox got into the well
B. The fox’s idea of how to get out of
the well
C. How the fox got out of the well
D. How the fox helped the goat
E. How the fox and the goat got out
of the well
8. “The goat did as he was asked…”
(Paragraph 3). What does the
sentence mean?
A. The goat came down to the well
and drank.
B. The goat waited someone who
might helped him.
C. The goat stood on his hind legs
and put his forelegs against the
side of the well.
D. the goat called out loudly after
the fox got out.
E. The goat drank enough and
looked around.
9. The text above is in the form of…
A. Analytical Exposition
B. Narrative D. Descriptive
C. Recount E. Spoof
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.
10. What is the text about ….
A. Learning songs
B. Very enjoyable music
C. The phenomenon
D. Music listeners
E. Using songs in language learning
11. The text above is in the form of…
A. Analytical Exposition
B. Narrative D. Descriptive
C. Recount E. Spoof
12. The communicative purpose of the text is ……
A. To tell the reader about the songs
B. To entertain the reader with
The songs
C. To show the reader the use of
D. To explain about the songs
E. To persuade the reader to use
songs in learning language
13. The generic structures of the text are….
A. Thesis – arguments
b) Orientation – sequential explanation
c) Newsworthy events – background events – sources
d) Thesis – arguments – reiteration
e) General statement – arguments
14.Based on the text, there are …… reasons for using songs in learning language
A. 2
B. 3 C. 4
D. 5 E. 6
15.“They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group.” (paragraph 5) The underlined word refers to ….
A. Groups
B. Learners D. People
C. Songs E. Activities
16. X :”What do you think about Ali?
Y :”In my view,______”
A. he is a young smart cute boy.
B. he is a cute young smart boy.
C. he is a cute smart young boy.
D. he is a smart cute young boy.
E. he is a smart young cute boy.
17. Had I realized that Tony was a bad
driver. I …. my car.
A. would not lend him
B. did not lend him
C. will not lend him
D. would not have lent him
E. had not had
B. did not lend him
C. will not lend him
D. would not have lent him
E. had not had
18. Woman :“I’m looking for my hand
bag, it was next to me
while I was having lunch.”
The appropriate question given by
the security is …
A. Is something missing?
B. What does it look like?
C. What condition is it like?
D. How do you loose it?
E. How do you know your bag?
19. X: “I’ve got a new jacket. My
mother bought it in Milan”
Y: “You’re kidding. What is it made
X: “……….”
A. It’s quite shiny
B. It’s mine D. It’s new
C. It’s rather old E. It’s leather
20. X :”I’d like to book three standard
room for next week, please.”
Y :”I’m sorry Sir, our hotel … until
the end of the month.
A. fully booking
B. is fully booked
C. being fully booking
D. to be fully booked
E. is fully booking
21. X : “I plan to buy a new bicycle, a
Pligon or Wimcycle. What do
you think?______________?
Y :I think Polygon is much better.
A. How is better
B. Which one is better
C. What about it
D. Whose better
E. How about better
22. X : “I have lost my book
Y : “………..”
A. I’m sorry to hear that
B. I’m glad to know it
C. Please don’t be angry
D. Congratulation, be angry.
E. I don’t believe it
23. X : ” I enjoyed the piano concert
last night.”
Y :“So did I, I have ….”
A. seen much better concert
B. never seen a better concert
C. I haven’t seen
D. never seen the best concert
E. seen the best concert
24. X : “Can we see the people we chat
with on the internet?”
Y : “We could if we had a
From the above conversation we can
conclude that they …. A web cam.
A. have
B. had D. don’t have
C. didn’t have E. would have
25. X :Why aren’t you driving your car?
Y :‘it _____ by my father.’
A. has sold
B. has been selling D. had sold
C. has to sell E. has been sold
26. X: “Last night a thief broke into my
Y: “Really? What….from your
A. he took
B. was being taken
C. was taken
D. was to take
E. was taking
27. A : “What happened to your bike?”
B : “It was stolen while I was
photocopying this book.”
The underlined sentence expresses…
A. satisfaction
B. describing events
C. asking to do something
D. inviting someone
E. asking to do something
28. Kelly : “What do you think about
Selly : “In my view, …………..”
A. he is a cute smart young boy
B. he is a smart cute young boy
C. he is a smart young cute boy
D. he is a cute young smart boy
E. he is a young smart cute boy
29. “While living in Bogor, we always
went to school on foot.”
This means that we … on foot
while we were living in Bogor.
A. go to school
B. used to go to school
C. liked going to school
D. are used to go to school
E. are going to school
30. X : “When did the farmer find that
ancient tool?”
Y : “When he …. His field.”
A. is ploughing
B. had ploughed
C. has ploughed
D. had been ploughing
E. was ploughing
1. Put the following sentences into
A. Reported speech:
1. He said,”I tried to ride a bicycle yesterday but I fell off three times.”
2. She said, “I have seen the opening ceremony of the 26th SEAGames.”
Reported Question:
1. He asked her,”Will you come to the party with me?”
2. The teacher asked ,”Why are you late?”
2. A. Complete the following conditional sentences using correct verbs in brackets.:
1. If I (be) a president, I would build many schools at remote villages.
2. They (go) to Jakabaring Sport City if the weather had been nice yesterday.
B. Write down the fatcs based on conditional sentences below!
1. If he did the home work, the teacher would not punish him.
2. Ali would have attended Dewi’s birthday party if she had invited him.
3. Complete the following dialogue using possible expressions of giving advice.
A. Paula : I’m writing a story, but there are some words that I don’t know how to spell.
Dean : ____________________________________________________________
B. Ray : I never do my homework. The teacher always punishes me.
Tracy : _______________________________________________
4.Complete the following dialogues using suitable expressions of satisfaction or
A. Bell boy : Are you pleased with your room madam?
Guest : Yes, thank you. _______________________________
I can see the ocean from here.
B. Sales counter : What do you think about our selling this month?
Sales manager : ________________________________________
I think we should improve our promotion.
5. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
A. Beethoven wrote beautiful symphonies when he was alive.
B. My mom was making a fruit juice when I entered the kitchen.
1 | D | 11 | A | 21 | B |
2 | C | 12 | E | 22 | A |
3 | D | 13 | D | 23 | B |
4 | B | 14 | D | 24 | D |
5 | D | 15 | C | 25 | E |
6 | D | 16 | C | 26 | C |
7 | B | 17 | D | 27 | B |
8 | C | 18 | B | 28 | A |
9 | B | 19 | E | 29 | B |
10 | E | 20 | B | 30 | E |
1. He said that he had tried to ride a bicycle the day before but he had fallen off three times.
2. She said that she had seen the opening ceremony of the 26th Sea Games.
1. He asked her if she would come to the party with him.
2. The teacher asked him why he was late.
1. If I were a president, I would build many schools at remote area.
2. They would have gone to Jakabaring Sport City if the weather had been nice yesterday
B. FACTS (based on the conditional sentences)
1. He doesn’t do the homework so the teacher punishes him.
2. Ali didn’t attend Dewi’s birthday party because she didn’t invite him.
3. A. - I suggest you to consult your dictionary.
- I advise you to check the spelling of the words in your dictionary.
- etc. (accept any possible answer)
B. - You should do your home work.
- Why don’t you do your home work.
- etc. (Accept any possible answers!)
4. A. Expression of satisfaction:
- I’m really pleased.
- I’m delighted with it.
- It’s marvelous.
-etc. (Accept any possible answers!)
-etc. (Accept any possible answers!)
B. Expression of dissatisfaction:
- That’s very disappointing.
- I can’t say I’m satisfied with it.
- I’m not happy with this.
- etc. (Accept any possible answers!)
5. A. Beautiful symphonies were written by Beethoven when he was alive.
B. A fruit juice was being made by my mom when I entered the kitchen.
Oh teacher, how kind you are . . . I assumpt that the next, the list of the sudents who get the remedial treatment will be posted in here.
ReplyDeleteSuccess to you SIR.